Encore: Joy
Could you use a little more joy in your life? So many people go through life focused on what they lack that they forget to be grateful for what they have. Worse yet, our consumer culture encourages us to fixate on this lack.
This robs us of our joy.
In this episode, I discuss my best tips for living in the moment and increasing the amount of joy in your life, making you happier and more pleasant to be around.
Show Highlights Include:
- A simple step you can take today to ensure yourself a joyful life ([2:31])
- A surefire way to live in the moment and experience joy thatâs been eluding you ([3:59])
- Exactly how consumer culture robs you of joy and how you can fight back ([4:12])
- Why joy is not found in a specific moment and how to attract it like a joy magnet ([6:10])
- Why laughing at yourself makes people take you more seriously ([8:56])
- How to instantly make your environment more joyful ([11:42])
- âBlack Beltâ secrets to facing your fear and achieving more in your life ([12:38])
- A common obsession that sucks joy from your life and how to overcome it ([15:09])
Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rickâs best-selling book, Lessons From a Third-Grade Dropout, for free.