Encore: Gusto
If you’ve never heard of the word ‘gusto,’ it means doing something with zest or a spark. That’s the way most of us want to live our lives.
But most people don’t live with gusto. They’re stuck in their comfort zones, which prevent them from taking on the challenges they need to grow.
Having gusto is about pushing out of comfort zones to live life to the max. If you can’t step out of your comfort zone, then you can’t grow into something greater.
In this episode, you’ll discover how to find enjoyment in your days and give life meaning with a little gusto.
Show Highlights Include:
- How to use a 1960s beer commercial to uplift your spirit and define life on your terms with the. ([0:35])
- The ‘George H. W. Bush’ way to add more zest to your life (no matter your age). ([4:50])
- Why stepping out of your comfort zone makes you enjoy life more. ([7:16])
- How to be so full of life that people say you’ve “died young”- even if you’re 80 years old. ([9:22])
Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout, for free.