Go, go, go. Spend, spend, spend. Buy, buy, buy.
The consumer mindset in our society today pushes people into thinking that the next purchase will make them happy. Yet so many people feel empty and depressed. Instead of focusing on what they have, they dwell on what they lack.
Gratitude is the key to getting out of this rut.
In this episode, I discuss how consumer culture destroys happiness, why gratitude is in short supply today, and an exercise you do to instantly become more grateful.
Show Highlights Include:
- Why living in a consumer culture makes you miserable ([2:06])
- The depressing reason that gratitude is disappearing in society ([3:04])
- How humility brings you instant happiness ([5:15])
- The surprising reason dramatic improvements in your life make you miserable ([5:43])
- What a Mourning Dove can teach you about peace and happiness ([8:29])
- The One Minute Happiness exercise that can instantly develop gratitude in your life ([10:56])
Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout, for free.