If you’re not growing, you’re dying. This is true for everything from your health to your mind to your professional skills.
You may be an expert in your field today, but if you don’t continue to grow and adapt, you’ll get left behind.
The ability and desire to learn is crucial to achieving and maintaining your success.
In this episode, I discuss why learning is important and how to regain the love for learning that education stole from you.
Show Highlights Include:
- The “Jack Dorsey Question” you can ask daily to launch you to the top of your field ([2:52])
- How learning every day defends your brain from the devastating effects of entropy ([4:01])
- The Lifetime Learner mindset shift that can instantly make you look forward to learning (even if you hated traditional education) ([4:22])
- Why school prevents you from learning and how to reprogram yourself today ([4:48])
- A simple but profound question the most effective leaders ask to help them get through the most challenging situations ([11:53])
Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout, for free.