If you don’t read regularly, you’re missing out on an immense sense of joy. Yes, even if you don’t like reading.
Because science proves that reading helps you live longer, lowers your stress, prevents mental decline, and boosts your mental health.
In this episode, you’ll discover all the benefits of reading and simple ways to start reading again.
Listen now and fall back in love with reading — your body and mind will thank you.
Show highlights include:
- How reading tanks your stress levels, blood pressure, heart rate, and even depression ([0:56])
- The weird scientifically-proven reason that reading makes you live longer ([1:11])
- Why devouring one autobiography a month helps you mimic and duplicate their success onto your life ([4:06])
- How reading as slow as molasses actually transports your mind to another world ([4:49])
- The “gut a book” secret taught in graduate schools for rapidly reading and applying what you learn ([6:28])
- Why reading to your kids every night is the single best way to pass your love of reading onto them ([8:19])
Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout, for free.